all our PROjECTS
Current measurement service for the temporary dock of the fertilizer plant, Morón, Carabobo State. – CONSTRUCTORA BETA PLC.CA/PEQUIVEN
Marine soil study for the construction of the take and discharge of sea water in the new ammonia-urea plant in the Pequiven Complex, Morón, Carabobo State – CONSORCIO VEC/PEQUIVEN
Bathymetric study for a dock to build in the ammonia plant and substation in Pequiven, Morón, Carabobo State – CONSTRUCTORA BETA PLC, CA/MAN DE VENEZUELA/PEQUIVEN
Geotechnical study for the foundation of tanks SR-703 and SR-704 for the expansion of the phosphoric acid plant of Pequiven petrochemical complex, Carabobo State – FERTIVEN OPERACIONES, CA./PEQUIVEN
Geotechnical study for dock to build in the ammonia plant and substation Pequiven-Morón, Carabobo State – CONSTRUCTORA BETA PLC, CA/MAN DE VENEZUELA/PEQUIVEN
Soil study for the characterization of marine bed in Punta Mosquito, Nueva Esparta State – Z&P/PDVSA
Quality control in the construction of the structural filling for the project rejection building: IPC plant of benefit of phosphate rock – FERTIVEN OPERACIONES, C.A./ PEQUIVEN
Geotechnical study for the construction of a hotel in a land located in Maturín, Monagas State – ARQUITECTURA VOLANTE, MONALDI Y ASOCIADOS
Geotechnical study for mezzanina to build in galpon located in the intercomunal avenue of Puerto La Cruz, Anzoategui State – TS&T PROYECTOS Y CONSTRUCCIONES
Consultancy for the foundation system of the water taking on the Mondego River, Portugal – INELECTRA, S.A
Quality control services for civil works, Ammonia plant and substation, Morón petrochemical complex, Carabobo State. – CONSTRUCTORA BETA PLC, CA/MAN DE VENEZUELA/PEQUIVEN
Quality control and independent laboratory for the construction of the Santa Rosa plant in the Anzoategui State. –CONSORCIO SADEVEN -VINCCLER-SODINSA/PDVSA
Geotechnical study for the construction project of a Petrocasa plant located in a land of 12 ha in Biruaca, Apure State – PROYECTOS Y CONSTRUCIONES Z3, CA PEQUIVEN
Perforations for the canalization project of Guaire River, Llanito area, Caracas – CORPORACIÓN GRUPO 4004 MINISTERIO DEL AMBIENTE
Consultancy for the foundation solutions for the gas delivery project, Petro-Cedeño main station (SINCOR),San Diego de Cabrutica, Anzoategui State – PDI GERENCIA E INGENIERIA S.A./PETROCEDEÑO
Pavement design for the work: Tourist Complex el Morro-ANEXINCA
Marine soil study for the construction of the take and discharge of sea water in the new amoniaco-urea plant in Pequiven, Morón complex. Carabobo State – YEV/MAN FERROSTAAL/TOYO/PEQUIVEN
Geotechnical study for the lake cooling, pipe alignment and lake rejection project for the phosphate roca benefit plant in Pequiven, Carabobo State – FERTIVEN/PEQUIVEN
Complementary perforations in the Guaire river canalization project, Llanito area, Caracas – INELECTRA/MINISTERIO DEL AMBIENTE
Analysis of soil-equipment-structure interaction for TG-01 and TG-02 equipment to be installed in San Diego de Cabrutica, State of Anzoátegui.Quality control services for civil works, ammonia plant and substation, Morón Petrochemical Complex, Carabobo State – Y&V INGENIERÍA Y CONSTRUCCIÓN/PDVSA
Geotechnical study for the distributed power generation park Merey 20, El Tejero and Bare 10, Anzoátegui State – FUNDAUDO/PDVSA
Liquification analysis for drilling carried out in the central area of the expansion of the Sanchón River in the El Palito Refinery, Carabobo State. – GEOTECNIA, C.A./PDVSA
Quality control services for civil construction works of the Termocentro Electric Generation Plant, El Sitio Ranch, Paz Castillo Municipality, Miranda State Y&V INGENIERÍA Y CONSTRUCCIÓN /DURO FELGUERA/CORPOELEC
Marine geotechnical study for the Northeastern Shipyard, north coast of the Araya Peninsula, Sucre State CONSTRUCTORA ANDRADE GUTIERREZ, S.A./PDVSA
Geotechnical study for the stabilization of an edge fault in San Antonio de los Altos, Miranda State – CONSTRUCCIONES BANPE,СА
Geotechnical study for Termocentro Electric Generation Plant, Hacienda El Sitio, Paz Castillo Municipality, Miranda State. – Y&V INGENIERÍA Y CONSTRUCCIÓN/DURO FELGUERA/CORPOELEC
Analysis of soil-equipment-structure interaction for TG-01 and TG-02 equipment to be installed in San Diego de Cabrutica, State of Anzoátegui. – PACIFIC RIM ENERGY
Tests of additional loads in the structure of the temporary ramp located in the new ammonia and urea plant, in the Petrochemical Complex, Morón-Carabobo State – MAN CONSTRUCCIONES Y MONTAJES DE VENEZUELA, C.A./PEQUIVEN
Quality control services in soils for the construction of the docks in the sanitary landfill of La Bonanza, Miranda State – CONSTRUCCIONES BANPE.CA.
Study of soils inshore for the expansion of El Palito Refinery, Carabobo State – Y&V INGENIERÍA Y CONSTRUCCIÓN/TOYO/FOSTER WHEELER PDVSA
Geotechnical study for the construction of a building in the support area of the sports zone located in Maiquetía, Vargas State. – KLB PROYECTOS INTEGRALES
Modified topography and road project for the pharmaceutical complex of Guacara, in the State of Carabobo – NOVALTEC PROYECT, C.A.
Geotechnical study for the facilities of equipment and buildings of workshops and offices in the Sidetur site, located in La Yaguara. – DC SIDETUR
Drillings for installation of cathodic protection in the new ammonia and urea plant, in the Morón Petrochemical Complex, Carabobo State. CONSTRUCTORA BETA PLC, C.A./MAN DE VENEZUELA/PEQUIVEN
Topographic survey of the southern area of El Palito Refinery, Carabobo State. – Y&V INGENIERÍA Y CONSTRUCCIÓN/PDVSA
Geotechnical study for the expansion of the sports facilities and parking of the Don Bosco School, Altamira – COLEGIO “DON BOSCO”
Consultancy for the Metor Expansion Project project at the Jose Petrochemical Complex, Anzoátegui State – INELECTRA/METOR
Hydrological-hydraulic study in the area of implementation of the COMINSI and pipeline corridor to Batalla de Santa Inés refinery, Barinas State – VENEZOLANA DE PROYECTOS INTEGRADOS C.A. VEPICA SAIPEM/PDVSA
Preliminary study of soils and the construction of observation wells in the implementation area of COMINSI, Barinas, Barinas State. VENEZOLANA DE PROYECTOS INTEGRADOS C.A. VEPICA SAIPEM/PDVSA
Interaction analysis soil structure equipment for 25 mv turbo generator, in Petrocedeño San Diego de Cabrutica – INELECTRA
Geotechnical study for the construction of the system of connection of warehouses (Pasarela), project Z, in the Bigott Plant, Caracas FUNDACIÓN BIGOTT
Analysis of soil-equipment-structure interaction for a cast wall for the project termozulia 2, Zulia State CIMIENTOS BYA, S.A./ CONVECA
Geotechnical study for the Barbacoa Thermogenerator Plant, Simón Bolívar Municipality, Anzoátegui State Y&V INGENIERÍA Y CONSTRUCCIÓN/PDVSA
Geotechnical study for water intake in the Guaire river, El Sitio thermoelectric project, Miranda State INGENIERÍA Y CONSTRUCCIÓN/ PDVSA
Consolidation of soil studies for the facilities on the mainland, expansion project of El Palito Refinery, Carabobo State – Y&V INGENIERÍA Y CONSTRUCCIÓN/PDVSA
Geotechnical study for land located in La Suiza sector, Sucre Municipality, Miranda State. Phase 02 and 03 – SP CONSTRUCCIONES, C.A.
Study of geological faults and geomorphological processes in the Araya Peninsula, north of Venezuela – CONSTRUCTORA ANDRADE GUTIERREZ, S.A./PDVSA
Technical assistance for the revision of the geotechnical design of the foundation for the Epaf reactor area in the Morón Petrochemical Complex, Carabobo State FERTIVEN OPERACIONES, C.A./ PEQUIVEN
Geotechnical study for the elaboration of the detailed engineering of the project “IV Train Project San Joaquín” Anaco, Anaco municipality, Anzoátegui State. – Y&V INGENIERÍA Y CONSTRUCCIÓN PDVSA
Geotechnical study for the foundation of a turbogenerator, for the project of the thermoelectric plant in San Diego de Cabrutica – PACIFIC RIM ENERGY/PDVSA
Soil resistivity studies for the Alba shipyard project (ASTIALBA) CONSTRUTORA ANDRADE GUTIERREZ, S.A/PDVSA
Geotechnical study for the Fábrica de Fábricas project, Anaco, Anaco Municipality, Anzoátegui State – CHINA CAMC ENGINEERING CO.,LTD./ INDER
Complementary soil studies for the Alba shipyard project (ASTIALBA), in the Araya Peninsula, Sucre State. – CONSTRUTORA ANDRADE GUTIERREZ, S.A/PDVSA.
Geotechnical study for the area of the new Deaerator 720-V-6 in the Jose Petrochemical Complex. SUPERMETANOL/COMPLEJO PETROQUÍMICO JOSÉ ANTONIO ANZOÁTEGUI
Topographic survey, geotechnical study and measurement of electrical resistivity for the installation of manufacturing plants for the construction of Petrocasas in Maracaibo, Zulia State – PEQUIVEN/PETROCASA
Geotechnical study and measurement of electrical resistivity for the detailed engineering of the project “Recobro de Etano San Joaquín/Planta de Endulzamiento” Y&V INGENIERÍA Y CONSTRUCCIÓN/PDVSA
Hydrogeological study in the area of implementation of the COMINSI and uptake and adduction of the Santo Domingo and Pagüey rivers – VENEZOLANA DE PROYECTOS INTEGRADOS C.A. VEPICA SAIPEM/PDVSA
Geotechnical study inshore and offshore for the design of two bridges in the Manamo and Manamito pipes, and construction of the Agroindustrial Plant for the Integral Project of Agrarian Socialist Development, Delta Amacuro State- CHINA CAMC ENGINEERING CO., LTD./
Study of soils in the patio of storage of containers, Guanta Docks, Anzoátegui State
Quality control services for the expansion and modernization of the port of Guaira. TEIXEIRA DUARTE/BOLIPUERTOS
Complementary soil studies for the Alba shipyard project (ASTIALBA), in the Araya Peninsula, Sucre State (C.P.T.U.) – CONSTRUTORA ANDRADE GUTIERREZ, S.A/PDVSA
Proposal for hydraulic and hydrological study Block Junín 6 – TECNOCONSULT
Geotechnical study for the gas conditioning plant for the internal market (PAGMI). Guiria, Sucre State – Y&V INGENIERÍA Y CONSTRUCCIÓN PDVSA
Geotechnical study for conceptual and basic engineering for surface facilities of production for Petrourica – Y&V INGENIERÍA Y CONSTRUCCIÓN/PDVSA
Study of soils in the south side tanks area, expansion project of El Palito refinery, Carabobo State Venezuela – Y&V INGENIERÍA Y CONSTRUCCIÓN/PDVSA
Geotechnical research and study of seismic risk – VEPICA
Geotechnical campaign for the reinforcements of the pier n ° 10 and bathymetric study by multibeam echo sounder, side scan sonar and chirpen subsoil profiler, for the Gran Mariscal de Ayacucho Industrial Complex, Guiria, Sucre State – ELECNOR
Geotechnical Investigation & Topographic Survey and Mapping for RPLC Deep Conversion Project. Anzoátegui HYUNDAI ENGINEERING & CONSTRUCTION
Quality control services for the Guiria thermoelectric plant – ELECNOR
CADCA project civil laboratory service – ODEBRECHT
Construction quality control service located at the Manuel Ríos air base, Guárico State – TEXEIRA DUARTE-ENGENHARIA CONSTRUÇÕES, S.A
Geotechnical Study and Electrical Resistivity Corresponding to the “Conceptual, Basic and Detail Engineering for the Continuity of the works of Urbanism and Supportive Buildings, in the Operational Unit Cundeamor”. – TIVENCA/PEQUIVEN
Service of Quality Control of Concrete and Soil in Variate Works located in Charallave, Miranda State – CAMARGO CORREA
Geotechnical study for the extended basic engineering of the Petrobicentenario refinery -SEI/SAIPEM
Hydrological study for the extended basic engineering of the Petrobicentenario refinery. -SEI/SAIPEM
Topographic survey for the extended basic engineering of the Petrobicentenario refinery. -SEI/SAIPEM
Service of quality control of concrete and soil in several works located in Charallave, Miranda State -CAMARGO CORREA
Soil and resistivity studies for cargo and personnel terminals, construction and operation phases of Astilleros del Alba (ASTIALBA) CONSTRUCTORA ANDRADE GUTIERREZ, S.A / PDVSA
Geotechnical Investigation & Topographic Survey and Mapping for RPLC Deep Conversion Project. Anzoátegui-Venezuela -HYUNDAI ENGINEERING & CONSTRUCTION
Geotechnical and soil resistivity study for the project “basic engineering surface facilities of the joint venture Petrocarabobo” INELECTRA 2014
Hydrological and hydraulic study Block Junín 2-SNC LAVALIN
Professional services for the execution of the basic engineering surface installations of the mixed company Petroindependencia INELECTRA
Complementary geotechnical studies offshore and inshore for the Alba shipyard project (ASTIALBA) Araya Peninsula, Sucre State – CONSTRUCTORA ANDRADE GUTIERREZ, S.A/PDVSA
Geotechnical study Maiquetía airport in Vargas State – ODEBRECHT
Geotechnical study for the expansion area of Maiquetía Airport in Vargas State – ODEBRECHT
Quality control services for the PAGMI-CIGMA project, Guiria, Sucre State- PUMCRET21
Geotechinical investigation & topographical survey in Macotal área Puerto La Cruz – Estado Anzoátegui. CONSORCIO VONE, C.A.
Geotechnical study on embankment between km 18 + 000 and 19 + 000 of the Santa Lucia-Kempis highway, located in Miranda State – OMEGA
Testing service of soil laboratories for the José Inacio Abreu E Lima National Steel Siderúrgica, located in Ciudad Piar, Bolivar State – PIAR CONSORTIUM / ANGOSTURA CONSORTIUM.
Services for soil and asphalt laboratory to be located in the PSDI Miranda project, in Miranda State – CAMARGO CORREA.
Ground quality control service through the use of a nuclear densimeter, located on the Caracas – La Guaira highway, Blandin sector – CONSORCIO BOYACA
Geotechnical study, for the Tuy watershed – CONSTRUCCIONES Y PROYECTOS ANSAR C.A.
Geotechnical study for the design of embankment retaining walls, located on the “frente 4” terrace, Puerto La Cruz Refinery, Anzoátegui State – WISON ENGINEERING.
Geotechinical investigation & topographical survey in Macotal area Puerto La Cruz, Anzoátegui State. CONSORCIO VONE, C.A.
Quality control for the determination of densities with the nuclear densimeter and determination of compaction for the construction of embankments located in the plant “el sitio”, Miranda State. CONSTRUCTORA SANAL, C.A – CONSTRUCTORA SANAL, C.A.
Quality control service for the Santa Lucia-Kempis road project, Miranda State – CONSORCIO SANTA LUCIA KEMPIS
Geotechnical and hydrogeological study (phase 1), corresponding to the Araguaney project; located in the Taladro sector, Simón Planas Municipality of Lara State – VEPICA
Extraction of coredrill of 4″ diameter for existing slab in the generator complex Termocentro el Sitio Plant, Miranda State – CONSORCIO EL SITIO
Quality control services for mortar samples Güiria, Sucre state – ELECNOR DE VENEZUELA
Pile integrity test by sonic method (Pile Integrity Testing ASTM-5882-00) of the piles of viaducts 1, 2, 3 and 4 – CONSORCIO SANTA LUCIA KEMPIS
Pumping tests for the “Astilleros Del Alba” project (ASTIALBA) Araya Peninsula, Sucre State – CONSTRUCTORA ANDRADE GUTIERREZ.S.A/PDVSA
Geotechnical investigation & topographical survey in WTA área Puerto La Cruz – Edo Anzoátegui. CONSORCIO VONE, C.A
Quality control services for construction work in Casanay, Sucre state. (extraction of coredrill cores) – CONSORCIO KCT CUMANA II C.A
Geotechnical study for the program of complementary geological-geotechnical investigations for the detailed engineering phase – pack # 2 and # 3 – ANDRADE GUTIERREZ
Quality assurance services for soil, concrete and asphalt tests. “IPC continuous casting machine. Siderúrgica del Orinoco Alfredo ManeiroSidor “, Puerto Ordaz, Bolívar State – VEPICA.
Soil studies for the “Cojedes state electrification system” project – ATM 2000, C.A
Soil investigation and evaluation of ground water for WWT area, in the water treatment plant sector; Puerto la Cruz Refinery. CONSORCIO VONE
Soil tests for concrete aggregates located in Santa Lucia Charallave, Miranda State – ATP CONSTRUCCIONES, C.A.
Professional services for the analysis of soil-structure interaction for the calculation of wall thicknesses in a shopping center located in Maracaibo, Zulia State- CIMIENTOS BYA, S.A.
Professional services for the project analysis of abatement of the water table for the maximall shopping center, located in Maracaibo, Zulia State – PROMOCIONES DEL NORTE C.A.
Professional services for the analysis of soil-equipment-structure interaction for a cast wall for the engineering project of the maximall shopping center, located in Maracaibo, Zulia State – PROMOCIONES DEL NORTE C.A.
Concrete studies and sclerometry of structural elements located in Charallave, Miranda State – ATP CONSTRUCCIONES, C.A.
Geotechnical study for the construction of social areas in Mampote, Miranda State- BIGOTT
Geotechnical study for production projects – PDVSA PETROINDEPENDENCIA
Geotechnical investigation for DA-2 area Puerto La Cruz. CONSORCIO VONE, C.A
Topographical survey & geotechnical investigation for Zumano project. CHINA PETROLEUM ENGINEERING & CONSTRUCTION CORP
Geotechnical study confirming the conditions of the subsoil in the area of the Alberto Lovera thermoelectric plant. In the Refinery of Puerto la Cruz, Anzoátegui State- EMASIN
Asphalt quality control services in the construction of the India Urquia generating plant (Termocentro), located in Valles del Tuy, Santa Lucia Miranda State – Y&V
Quality Assurance Services for Soil, Concrete and Asphalt Tests, Stage II. IPC Continuous Casting Machine. Siderúrgica del Orinoco Alfredo Maneiro Sidor, Puerto Ordaz, Bolívar State- VEPICA
Detail engineering for stabilization solution at the Puerto la Cruz refinery. Anzoátegui State – WISON ENGINEERING
Geotechnical investigation for Macotal west side area, in the Refinería Puerto La Cruz (RPLC), Anzoátegui State, Venezuela. CONSORCIO VONE
Photogrammetry service for the topographical survey of the area affected by the resetting of the Los Melones town, located in Angostura, Bolivar State – PDI GERENCIA E INGENIERIA
Reference soil and geotechnical data recommendations for reference plan design basis – only for cost estimate and permits – not for construction. PENTECH
Implementation drawing for the Bigott terrain – BIGOTT