DATE: (2009-2016)

SERVICES PROVIDED: Geotechnical study on the mainland and offshore, geophysical studies (Down-Hole tests, soil resistivity), geological studies of active faults and geomorphological processes and hydrogeological studies.



The scope of this project was the determination of the transmission speeds of the P waves (longitudinal or compression waves) and S waves (transverse or cutting) by means of a Down Hole test, the determination of soil resistivity values, evaluation of loan zones, conducting a geoelectrical prospecting to locate aquifers to supply water to the facilities of “Astilleros del Alba”, geological study of active faults and geomorphological processes and geotechnical studies for the description of the general geology of the study area and the characteristics of the subsoil. In the same way, from the analyzes carried out, recommendations and characteristics of the foundations to be constructed were presented for the different structures to be installed in the Punta La Playa sector, located north of the Araya Peninsula, Sucre State, where the Eastern Shipyard will be installed. 





  • Jack Up
  • SpragueHenwood drilling machine
  • CPT penetration equipment model GeoMil 200 kN / SA
  • Vane (Shear test)
  • Boat
  • Backhoe
  • Laboratory equipment

 Geophysics (Down-Hole)


    SpragueHenwood drilling machine

  • Seismograph GEOMETRICS ES-3000
  • Geophones GEOSPACE HS-J-LP3D


 Geophysics (soil resistivity)


  • Ground Resistence tester, multi-function Model 6470-B.
  • Cable reels of 100mts.
  • Cables: 30mts 
  • 4 electrode bars of 36cms in length, steel material.


  • Resistive equipment brand ABEM, model DC TERRAMETER

Geological study

QAQC (Evaluation of loan areas and granzon quarries)